HallWindow.Label45.Caption = Vyber si hru z dolnφ nabφdky. Pak uvidφÜ 10 nejlepÜφch sk≤re pro zvolenou hru. Stiskni "Vynuluj sk≤re" pro vymazßnφ nejlepÜφch sk≤re pro zvolenou hru. Pokud vyhrajeÜ hru, m∙₧eÜ stßle zm∞nit jmΘno hrßΦe.
GameOverForm.EnterFame.Caption = A zapφÜete se do Tabulky nejlepÜφch !
GameOverForm.FinalTime.Caption = VßÜ koneΦn² Φas je 00:00
GameOverForm.BitBtn1.Caption = D∞kuji !
ExtendedChoose.BitBtn1.Caption = Storno
ExtendedChoose.BitBtn2.Caption = << ZmenÜit
ChooseLayout.Label1.Caption = Nßzev :
ChooseLayout.Label2.Caption = << OblφbenΘ sestavy
ChooseLayout.Label3.Caption = Toto je seznam sestav, kterΘ se objevφ v menu Sestava. M∙₧ete p°idat sestavy p°enesenφm z hornφho seznamu do dolnφho. Vymazßnφ se d∞je opaΦnou cestou...
ChooseLayout.Label4.Caption = Kostek :
ChooseLayout.Label5.Caption = VolnΘ :
ChooseLayout.BitBtn1.Caption = Hrßt tuto sestavu
ChooseLayout.BitBtn2.Caption = Storno
ChooseLayout.BitBtn3.Caption = Editovat
ChooseLayout.BitBtn4.Caption = Novß
ChooseLayout.BitBtn5.Caption = Zv∞tÜit >>
ChooseLayout.CheckBox1.Caption = Nßhled s aktußlnφm pozadφm
ChooseLayout.BitBtn6.Caption = Vyma₧
AboutBox.BitBtn1.Caption = OK
AboutBox.Order.Caption = Objednej heslo
AboutBox.BitBtn2.Caption = Statistiky
AboutBox.Copyright.Caption = Autor
AboutBox.Comments.Caption = Hudebnφci
AboutBox.Label3.Caption = Poslednφ verzi hry Kyodai a stovky strßnek o JaponskΘ animaci m∙₧ete najφt na mΘ strßnce :
GAME OVER -- Final Score : = KONEC HRY -- KoneΦnΘ sk≤re :
Game Over ! = Konec hry !
New Layout = Novß sestava
Level = ┌rove≥
Score = Sk≤re
Time = ╚as
Malus = Ztrßta
Rivers (Easy) = Rivers (snadnß hra)
Rivers (Hard) = Rivers (obtφ₧nß hra)
Memory (Easy) = Memory (snadnß hra)
Memory (Hard) = Memory (obtφ₧nß hra)
Clicks (Easy) = Clicks (snadnß hra)
Clicks (Normal) = Clicks (normßlnφ hra)
Clicks (Hard) = Clicks (obtφ₧nß hra)
Slider (Easy) = Slider (snadnß hra)
Slider (Hard) = Slider (obtφ₧nß hra)
Hashira = Hashira
Mahjongg Hashira started. = Hra Mahjongg Hashira spuÜt∞na.
Mahjongg Memory started. = Hra Mahjongg Memory spuÜt∞na.
Mahjongg Clicks started. = Hra Mahjongg Clicks spuÜt∞na.
Mahjongg Slider started. = Hra Mahjongg Slider spuÜt∞na.
Mahjongg Rivers started. = Hra Mahjongg Rivers spuÜt∞na.
Two-Player Solitaire started. = Hra Solitaire (2 hrßΦi) spuÜt∞na.
Game restarted. = Hra byla znovu spuÜt∞na.
New game started. = Novß hra spuÜt∞na.
; Captions for the other windows
Choose a new layout... = Vyber novou sestavu...
Board finished ! = Hra zakonΦena !
Kyodai Help = Nßpov∞da Kyodai
Hall of Fame = Tabulka nejlepÜφch
Please Register ! = Prosφm, registrujte se !
New Specific (Seed) Game = Novß urΦitß hra
MOD music enabled. You need to restart before changes are applied. = MOD hudba zapnuta. Budete muset znovu spustit program pro uplatn∞nφ zm∞n.
Can't find needed external DLL (npmod32.dll). Please install it in your Kyodai directory and retry. You can find it on the Kyodai website at : = Nelze najφt pot°ebnou knihovnu DLL (npmod32.dll). Prosφm, nainstalujte ji do vaÜeho adresß°e Kyodai a zkuste znovu. M∙₧ete ji najφt na Kyodai website :
Registration reminder = Upozorn∞nφ na registraci
; This is the text in the reminder...
Please, remember to register ! = Prosφm, nezapome≥te se zaregistrovat !
Only your participation can help me = Jen vaÜe p°isp∞nφ mi pom∙₧e
continue to improve KYODAI for you ! = pokraΦovat na zlepÜovßnφ hry KYODAI pro vßs !
Registration will remove all these = Registrace odstranφ vÜechny tyto
nasty reminders and give you access = otravnΘ upozor≥ujφcφ zprßvy a zφskßte p°φstup
to perpetual FREE upgrades... Thank you ! = k nov²m verzφm ZDARMA... D∞kuji !
; Text under the tiles in the "View Tiles" menu...
Craks (4 times each) = Craks (4 krßt ka₧d²)
Bamboos (4 times each) = Bamboos (4 krßt ka₧d²)
Dots (4 times each) = Dots (4 krßt ka₧d²)
Flowers (once each) = Kv∞tiny (jednou ka₧d²)
Seasons (once each) = RoΦnφ obdobφ (jednou ka₧d²)
Winds (4 times each) = Winds (4 krßt ka₧d²)
Dragons (4 times each) = Dragons (4 krßt ka₧d²)
And the winner is... PLAYER 1 ! = A vφt∞zem je... HR┴╚ 1 !
And the winner is... PLAYER 2 ! = A vφt∞zem je... HR┴╚ 2 !
Same score for both players ! = Oba hrßΦi majφ stejnΘ sk≤re !
Your final score is = VaÜe koneΦnΘ sk≤re je
Your final time is = VßÜ koneΦn² Φas je
You reached the top ! Great ! = Dosßhl jste prvnφho mφsta ! V²born∞ !
Registered to = Registrovan² u₧ivatel:
Unregistered version - Please Register !!! = Neregistrovanß verze - Prosφm registrujte se !!!
Please choose a name for your layout file = Prosφm vyberte jmΘno pro soubor s vaÜφ sestavou
Please choose a Background bitmap file = Prosφm vyberte soubor s pozadφm
Please choose a Tileset bitmap file = Prosφm vyberte soubor s kostkami
LAY Layout files = Soubory sestav LAY
Background files = Soubory pozadφ
Tileset files = Soubory s kostkami
; These ones are followed by a file name and a question mark.
This file already exists. Do you want to erase = Tento soubor ji₧ existuje. Chcete smazat
Are you sure you want to erase = Jste si jist², ₧e chcete smazat
Please confirm = Prosφm, potvr∩te
Layout saved as "Temporary.lay". Click on "Edit layout" to call the layout editor and save it under a definitive name. = Sestava byla ulo₧ena jako "Temporary.lay". Klikn∞te na "Editace sestavy" pro spuÜt∞nφ editoru sestav a ulo₧enφ tΘto sestavy pod jin²m jmΘnem.
You haven't finished building the layout yet ! The "Tiles left" indicator must be a multiple of 4... = Tvorba sestavy dosud nenφ ukonΦena ! Indikßtor "Kostky" musφ b²t nßsobek 4...
This layout is not playable ! Please make more free moves... = Tato sestava nenφ hratelnß ! Prosφm, vytvo°te vφce voln²ch kostek...
No more moves. Do you want to give up ? (If you reply Yes and made a good score, you'll enter the hall of fame. If you reply No, the game will go back one move) = ÄßdnΘ dalÜφ tahy. Chcete skonΦit hru? (Jestli₧e odpovφte Ano a mßte dobrΘ sk≤re, dostanete se do tabulky nejlepÜφch. Pokud odpovφte Ne, hra se vrßtφ o krok zp∞t)
If you want to change the game mode, you'll have to restart your game. Do you wish to continue ? = Jestli₧e chcete zm∞nit m≤d hry, musφte hru znovu sputit. Chcete pokraΦovat ?
Vertical Variation = Svislß variace hry
Specific Board started. Random Seed # = Hra spuÜt∞na. ╚φslo #
; This one is for showing text like "Layout Traditional selected."
You are running the game in 256-color mode (or even worse). It is strongly recommended to switch to 16-bit or 24-bit color depth modes. Otherwise, you should should select No Background and a tileset with few colors. Thanks for listening ! = Mßte spuÜt∞nu hru v 256-barevnΘm (nebo jeÜt∞ horÜφm) m≤du. DoporuΦuji p°epnout do 16ti nebo 24ti bitovΘ hloubky barev. Jinak, m∙₧ete vybrat "ÄßdnΘ pozadφ" a kostky s mßlo barvami. D∞kuji !
; This one says "About Kyodai x.x" in the About Box...
About = O h°e
This will launch your Web browser to the Kyodai registration page. Do you want to continue ? = Toto spustφ webovsk² prohlφ₧eΦ s registraΦnφ strßnkou Kyodai. Chcete pokraΦovat?
You launched Kyodai for the first time ! ;-) = Spustil jste Kyodai poprvΘ ! ;-)
Do you really want to remove the Hall of Fame entries for this layout ? = Chcete opravdu odstranit zßznamy v Tabulce nejlepÜφch pro tuto konkrΘtnφ hru?
Thanks again ! You're now registered. = JeÜt∞ jednou dφky ! Nynφ jste registrovßn.
Sorry, wrong password. Please check out if you entered the user name and password exactly as I gave them to you. = Bohu₧el, ÜpatnΘ heslo. Zkontrolujte, prosφm, zda jste zadal jmΘno u₧ivatele a heslo tak, jak vßm bylo sd∞leno.
; This is the registration reminder shown when Kyodai is launched...
Welcome to KYODAI MAHJONGG ! = Vφtejte ve h°e KYODAI MAHJONGG !
If you like Mahjongg Solitaire games, I hope = Jestli₧e mßte rßdi hru Mahjongg Solitaire, pak doufßm,
you'll love this version. As a true fan, I worked = ₧e se vßm bude lφbit tato verze. Jako sprßvn² fan, strßvil
for thousands of hours on it, trying to improve it = jsem nad nφ tisφce hodin, stßle jsem ji zdokonaloval.
every day. If you like Kyodai, please register. = Pokud se vßm bude Kyodai lφbit, registrujte se.
First, you will get rid you of this message and = ZaprvΘ se zbavφte tΘto zprßvy a vÜech otravn²ch hlßÜek,
all the reminders during the game, and it will = upozor≥ujφcφch na registraci, b∞hem hry a m∞ to pom∙₧e
help me improve it again. And you won't have to = hru zase o n∞co zdokonalit. A nebudete muset platit
pay anymore for the next versions to come ! = za novΘ verze hry, kterΘ teprve vytvo°φm !
Kyodai is my only income, so I won't be able to = Kyodai je m∙j jedin² p°φjem, nebudu tedy schopen na nφ
work on it forever if you don't pay the registration = dßle pracovat, jestli₧e nezaplatφte registraΦnφ poplatek.
fee. To find out how to register, just go to the Help = Nßvod jak se zaregistrovat naleznete v menu Nßpov∞da,
menu, click on Contents, then Help, and follow the = klikn∞te na Obsah, pak Notes a nakonec si p°eΦt∞te
instructions. Thanks again, and enjoy this game ! = instrukce. JeÜt∞ jednou dφky a a¥ se vßm hra lφbφ !
If you experience any problems, please read the = Pokud objevφte n∞jak² problΘm, prosφm p°eΦt∞te si
help file extensively before sending a mail ! = nejprve peΦliv∞ nßpov∞du, p°edtφm ne₧ zaÜlete email !
And remember : Kyodai is 100% customizable ! = A pamatujte : Kyodai si m∙₧ete 100% upravit podle svΘho !
Make sure you read the help files and the menus ! = Ujist∞te se takΘ, ₧e jste Φetli nßpov∞du a menu !
; New Text.
Pause = Pauza
Continue = PokraΦuj
Play = Hra
Please choose a name for your saved game = Vyberte nßzev pro ulo₧enφ hry
Please select the game to load = Vyberte, prosφm, hru
Kyodai game files = Ulo₧enΘ hry Kyodai
This saved game is optimised for = Tato ulo₧enß hra je optimalizovßna pro
; This one is the "HALL OF FAME" you see in the purple panel...
; Now here are the Help files of Kyodai. If you don't translate them, leave the lines
; as they are. If you have the courage to translate them, please change the lines from,
; for example, "misc.rtf = misc.rtf" to "misc.rtf = misc-de.rtf" for the German
; version. You can customize the names for the help files, but it would be in the users'
; interest to keep them simple by taking the original file name and adding a country code.
kyodai.rtf = kyodai.rtf
misc.rtf = misc.rtf
menu.rtf = menu.rtf
rules.rtf = rules-cz.rtf
trouble.rtf = trouble.rtf
whatsnew.rtf = whatsnew.rtf
whatsold.rtf = whatsold.rtf
; This selects a new character set for the current language. It is useful
; in case your language does not use the default English characters. To find your
; own charset code, select a new font in Kyodai, select its character set, then
; leave Kyodai, open the "Kyodai.ini" file and note the number in "FontCharset".
LanguageCharset = 238
MOD music disabled. You need to restart before changes are applied. = Hudba MOD vypnuta. Pro aplikaci zm∞n musφte restartovat poΦφtaΦ.